Taganimal rights

Small & Cuddly Furry Children: Why are they Property and not as I hold them to be…My Kids!


During the hectic times that dear ol’ Osgoode is experiencing, we tend to rely on our furry friends to give us comfort through this strike and exam season crunch. The therapy dogs that visit Osgoode, for instance, have endured many of my hugs. My own cats act like familiars more than pets but then again maybe I am secretly a witch lawyer-to-be? But that’s a thought for another article surely...

You can kill your pets; we won’t press charges


Many of us consider pets as part of our families. We love them, and treat them like such. So, it is hard to imagine that a pet could be hurt without any consequences.   A recent story in the news proved the contrary. Molly was a three-year-old Vietnamese potbelly pig who was rescued by the British Columbia SPCA, and nursed back to health.   She was cared for by the SPCA staff just like...

Because All Our Clients Are Innocent


  A Reflection of the 25th Annual Animal Law Conference   One of the very first things law students learn in law school is that there is a huge issue of accessibility in the legal system for many groups. One group that most law schools fail to recognize is non-human animals. Even broader, legal systems across the world fail to give non-human animals the recognition and justice they deserve...

Undercover Footage Highlights the Need for Change in Animal Protection Laws


How Factory Farmed Animals are Neglected in the Canadian Legal System Last year, an undercover investigator from Mercy For Animals Canada released footage revealing that the turkeys in a Hybrid Turkeys breeding facility in Bright, Ontario were being clubbed and kicked by employees of the facility, hit with shovels, left with open wounds, and being subjected to what can only be classified as...

A Bittersweet Goodbye


I saw this Disney documentary once titled Earth (don’t judge me). It showed the long journeys elephants have to travel during the migration period some of them undertake. The particular herd being filmed went through hostile sand storms, days without water, infernal heat, and attacks from other animals. At one point one of the baby elephants is about to collapse. You see the mom trying...

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