
Five More Insane Drinks for an Insane 2017


Because I Haven’t Caused Enough Trouble Last year, I made a significant mistake in my “5 Insane Drinks” article. I failed to realize that two of the beverages contained ingredients that can no longer be found in the LCBO. Apparently, Andre’s Almond Cream tasted too good for a wine that should never leave a paper bag, and Bacardi 151 (the key ingredient in Totally Awesome Sweet Alabama Liquid...

JCR Opens Again … Finally


<News Editor>
The JCR bar opened again tonight much to the delight of the overworked and sleep-deprived everywhere in Osgoode. “Another great reason to procrastinate” was the general consensus of people I spoke to, and don’t we all need those from time to time to retain our precarious sanities.

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