
The Torturous Conditions in Canadian Prisons


The Overuse of Segregation and the Interplay Between Mental Health and Segregation   1,560. That is how many days 23-year-old Ontario inmate, Adam Capay, spent in continuous segregation, without trial, in a small, Plexiglas-lined cell.[i] The UN Commission on Human Rights defines prolonged segregation as anything greater than fifteen days. If the segregation exceeds fifteen days, the United...

Cruel, Unusual, and Ineffective


Solitary Confinement on the Rise in Canadian Prisons You know you might be in trouble as a correctional system when one of the most notorious prisons in the US has begun to implement more progressive policies than yours. Rikers Island, the massive corrections complex that reeks of urine and desperation (known to any Law and Order aficionado), has been mandated by the New York corrections board to...

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