Raising Awareness on Everyday Environmentally-Friendly Initiatives
When Osgoode students were asked to name a sustainability initiative on campus, the majority were able to name at least one or two great projects. For instance, many knew that reusable cutlery, mugs, and plates are available in the Bistro to minimize packaging waste. But did you know that the Bistro also offers a twenty-five cent discount on coffee when you bring a travel mug? Or that it only uses cage-free eggs in its meals?
Building awareness of these diverse sustainability initiatives is one of the principal goals of the Osgoode Sustainability Committee. As a subset of the Osgoode Environmental Law Society, the Sustainability Committee has been working with Aramark (the company that runs the Bistro) and Osgoode Facilities Management to make students’ voices heard. For instance, last year, the Sustainability Committee worked to ensure double-sided printing options were available in the library and introduced an organics bin in the Bistro.
Building on the Sustainability Committee’s past successes, this year marked the first annual Os-Sustainability Week. Beginning on Monday, November 19, Os-Sustainability Week was a celebration of environmental and social awareness on campus.
Students, faculty, and staff who brought a mug to campus enjoyed free fair-trade coffee and tea during the Monday and Wednesday lunch breaks. In addition, those who visited the Os-Sustainability Week booth were invited to spin the sustainability wheel to win great prizes. Visitors were given a sustainability question either revolving around the sustainability initiatives present in the Bistro or opportunities to live more sustainably at home.
With the generous support of Aramark and Legal & Lit, the Sustainability Committee gave away over $150 in Bistro and Starbucks gift cards as well as reusable take-out containers and travel mugs.
Although the Os-Sustainability Week is only one week a year, the Osgoode Sustainability Committee hopes the event will draw attention to the simple, environmentally-friendly practices we can engage in every day. Moreover, to help keep this spirit alive throughout the year, the Sustainability Committee has partnered with the Obiter Dicta to bring you the “Green Tip of the Week.” Going forward, the Sustainability Committee will draw attention to one environmentally-friendly practice, activity, or event on campus each week.
Have ideas for the Green Tip of the Week? Or want to get involved in upcoming Sustainability Committee events and projects? Just email EnvironmentalLawSociety@osgoode.yorku.ca.