A&C Welcome Message


One of my favourite throwaway bits from The Sopranos is the Michael Corleone impression that Tony enlists from Silvio to cheer him up during a card game. Ever the showman and always eager to please the boss, Silvio rises to the occasion and proclaims, “just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in” with noticeably more gusto in both his delivery and hand gestures than Al Pacino mustered in the Godfather: Part III scene it was lifted from.

While funny on its own, the line is one that I’m sure many people can begrudgingly relate to in some way or another. In my case, it applies to the fact that I’ve ended up doing student journalism again after devoting more time than I probably should have to doing it during my undergraduate career. That said, this is a new era. This new 1L me will be more efficient and less likely to rue time wasted in the office (mostly because the Obiter office, while exquisitely decorated, probably can’t house all its ranks at once.)

Pithy attempts at humour aside, I’m thrilled to be back at the helm of an arts & culture section, especially in a city like Toronto in which those credentials can probably be abused to gain entrance to a slew of cultural events.

A little bit about me. I’m of Croatian descent, the older of fraternal twins by 19 minutes, a coffee fanatic, a devoted runner, I love to play other sports with a dilettante’s enthusiasm and lack of finesse, and I spend most of my leisure time reading novels, watching movies, and following my beloved Chelsea FC.

I hope to spend much of my 1L year with my finger on the pulse of what’s happening in music, movies, literature, TV, and the like, so that you don’t have to exert the energy. If Obiter helps keep you abreast of all those important things during the tumult of the school year — or just helps you take a load off after reading heavy material all day — I’ll both feel like I’ve done my job and that I haven’t wasted my time.

Although I hope my editorial vision comes across as having a discernable opinion on matters, I welcome the input of other voices, especially as the year trudges on and I struggle to fill my section around exams. Just as Osgoode is enriched by welcoming students from all walks of life to its hallowed halls, so too will the Obiter by the plentitude of unique perspectives yet to be featured in its pages.

No idea is too premature in its gestation to float by me, so please don’t ever hesitate to reach out, whether in person or through email. Best of luck to all as the academic year kicks into gear!

About the author

Tomislav Miloš


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By Tomislav Miloš

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