Anti-Human Trafficking Conference


As Osgoode’s main contact with Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights, CLAIHR Osgoode has been hard at work planning and collaborating on events related to International Human Rights. 

For our first event, CLAIHR is partnering up with U of T’s Love 146 for their fourth annual conference on Human Trafficking. This event will be held on November 21st at 6pm in Room 1101 of the Sanford Fleming Building located at 10 King’s College Road in Toronto. Speakers will include victims of human trafficking. Proceeds will be going to rehabilitation programs for victims of human trafficking, and efforts to further educate the student community about human rights. Additionally, there will be a cocktail hour at the beginning of the conference where you will have the opportunity to meet professionals who work in the human rights field and who conduct anti-human trafficking work. All are welcome to attend, and if you cannot make it, you are also welcome to donate by contacting

CLAIHR will also be hosting an International Human Rights Movie Night where we will screen a documentary or movie related to human rights. The date and location is pending so stay tuned to see when this exciting event will be held!

To stay in touch with CLAIHR, please join our Facebook group, “Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights – Osgoode”. Come join our passionate community to remain aware of International Human Rights issues occurring around the world and to stay up to date on events hosted by CLAIHR’s Osgoode chapter! 

About the author

CLAIHR Osgoode
By CLAIHR Osgoode

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