Tic Tacs For Coping with a Virtual World


At this point into the academic year, the race to the finish line is already underway. It doesn’t take an academic veteran to know that this time of the year is crucial; Marsian energy is officially in full swing. For my non-astrologically inclined folks, this time of the year during a pandemic that has seized in-person interaction at all universities and transformed our living spaces to work/study areas in a way unlike we have ever experienced; this is “survival of the fittest”. 

For my folks that entered York in 2016 with hopes of walking across the convocation stage in front of a crowd of family, staff, and friends; the universe indeed had other plans. For the class of 2020, undergoing a strike and striving towards academic success during the pandemic is not only highly commendable but a demonstration of the strength of our York community to push through and succeed even in times of uncertainty. We all deserve a “tic-tac”, a fresh breath, as we battle the end of this semester. For my folks that really need a “tic-tac” or “tic-tacs”, rather, this piece is for you. And no, I don’t mean the literal “tic-tac”. I’m offering you a couple of “tic-tacs”, tips to help you get that much needed “breath of fresh air” amidst all your upcoming deadlines. Feel free to take one or two or as many as you like. My hope is that at least one of these tips in coping with teaching and cyber schooling will help you achieve some of your mental health goals. 

Tic-Tac #1 – Always have your favourite artist/song lined up and ready to go before you start on your work for those moments where you experience brain fog. It will not only uplift your mood, but it will quite literally blast away unnecessary brain clusters in that given moment and leave you much more refreshed. Extra tic-tac if you are able to associate that song to a positive memory.

Tic-Tac #2 – Meditation? Yes, not for everyone. And yes, the timeless classic advice anyone can give for coping with anxiety/stress. Investing time in discovering a meditation technique that resonates with you can go a long way in allowing a “breath of fresh air” into an occupied and stressed mind. I guarantee that if there isn’t a technique that resonates with you, there will definitely be a method as there are so many methods/ways to meditate. Extra tic-tac if you are able to establish a daily meditation routine. For me personally, I practice meditation as soon as I wake up and I revisit that breath of calmness as I navigate through the day’s obstacles. 

Tic-Tac #3 – Develop a self-care routine and practice it religiously. Get into the habit of knowing when your mind is calling for your attention. The first step is to figure out what self-care means for you and what time of the day you will set aside for self-care. Start off with a simple act of self-care, this can be as simple as putting your phone away during downtime and instead going to the kitchen and making your favourite snack. As you approach your blocked off time for self-care ask yourself “what can i do for myself today that will put a smile on my face? What haven’t I done for myself that I haven’t been able to do for a while because of my hectic schedule?”

Tic-Tac #4 – Have a “rant” buddy. Majority of us already have that one person we call and feel comfortable sharing our problems/feelings with. One of the best ways to mentally check-in is to let out some of the thoughts or experiences that are causing the stress as opposed to keeping it all in.  A wise friend once told me, “a pressurized valve with no escape measure is sure to explode” and the same goes with mental worries. A lot of times opening and sharing some experiences with another human being may be the breath of fresh air that you need in that present moment.

Tic-Tac #5 – this is the final “tic-tac” I’m giving out and it commemorates all the above “tic-tacs”. It’s knowing when to stop. Yes, sometimes the 12-hour, 14-hour days are unavoidable but sometimes that much needed pause in workflow is all it takes to refresh the mind. If the mind is a machine, eventually it is going to need to be refuelled. There is a common myth, that you are not being productive if you move things around or “stop”. In reality, this is not the case as what you are doing is actually refuelling your system and encouraging clearer thoughts for when you do resume your workflow. 

If you’ve made it to the end of my “tic-tac” offerings and are interested in taking one, two, three, or all of them as we approach midterm season feel free to do so. I hope they help usher in that much needed “fresh calmy, minty air” wherever it is most needed. 

About the author

Umu Jalloh
By Umu Jalloh

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