A little intro to family law


Starting law school, I knew little about different areas of law. I like to think I wasn’t the only one coming into this like a blank slate. It was incredibly difficult for me to find an area of law I actually liked. So, to save someone the stress of researching different areas of law to see which ones clicked, I thought I would work with Osgoode Hall Family Law Association (OHFLA) to create a very, very brief introduction into what family law is. We spoke to some 1Ls who were interested in family law but wanted more information about it. This is us trying to answer those questions.

What is family law?
Very simply, family law is about legal issues surrounding family relationships. This can include marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption.

I’m interested in family law—how can I get more involved in this area of practice at Osgoode?
OHFLA is an excellent resource for all things family law related. We’re very friendly and would be happy to chat! There is a Facebook page and an Instagram where we will provide updates on upcoming events and any interesting family law-related news. If you’re interested in learning more, we have a Career Panel event coming up on 9 November 2021. There will be interesting panellists who will be able to provide insights into the world of family law much better than we can.

Does practicing family law include litigation?
Yes. This could be a great thing or a scary thing depending on if you like litigation. There are some alternatives to going to court, like mediation and arbitration, but sometimes that doesn’t work, and litigation becomes necessary. Family law gives practitioners a balance between litigation and non-litigation work.

I’m interested in working at a family law firm—where do I start?
There are a lot of family law firms doing great work. In my opinion, the best thing you can do is research the different family law firms out there and see which one you like most. You can then reach out to them and see if someone at the firm would be willing to have a chat with you. This is a great way to network and see if you’d even like working at the firm. There are also a lot of great firms outside of Toronto.

What are some issues regarding access to justice within family law?
Accessing legal representation is expensive, and family law is no different. If someone needs legal representation for a family law issue and cannot afford a private lawyer, they need to meet the financial eligibility criteria set out by Legal Aid Ontario (LAO). For most family law cases, the yearly income of a two-person household must be $32,131 or lower to be eligible. This leaves lots of people without the ability to access free legal services.

What are some resources I can use to learn more about family law?
A great resource is the website Steps to Justice. It acts as a guide to law in Ontario and contains a section on family law specifically. Also, Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) has many helpful links that can help answer family law-related questions. Even the Ministry of the Attorney General has a section under Family Justice that also provides helpful information.

Finding out which practice of law you’re interested in might take a while, and that’s okay. I hope this helped and maybe piqued your interest in family law.

About the author

Rebecka Arraial
By Rebecka Arraial

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