CAMILLE DUNBAR <Legal and Literary Society> On September 26, 2012, the York University Community Safety Council (CSC) held its first meeting of the 2012-13 academic year. The CSC is an advisory body and acts as the forum through which students, faculty and staff help to create a true culture of safety at York. Elena Iosef, Leeanne Footman and myself were in attendance, representing the...
Same Song, Different Tune
CITLALLY MACIEL <Staff Writer> According to the Law Society of Upper Canada, the goal of articling is “to provide law school graduates with orientation to the “real world” of the legal profession, assist them to understand the role of lawyers in representing clients and as officers of the court, provide guidance on the ethical responsibilities they must address as they navigate their way...
Our Favourite Profs Comment on the Constitutional Issues behind Dr. Tourloukis vs. The Anti-Bullying Act
<News Editor>
Following the passage of Bill 13 in the Ontario legislature, which effectively became The Accepting Schools Act (or better known as the anti-bullying act), Steve Tourloukis, a dentist and father of two, raised concerns about his children being “indoctrinated” about issues like same-sex marriage in ways contrary to his faith.
No More Docking, No More Peeking
CITLALLY MACIEL <Contributor> What do a paparazzo and a gas station have in common? Well, if you have been attentive to the news lately, you may know that these refer to two events. Although seemingly different, they have brought about a series of legal questions and discussions back to the table. One is the issue of privacy, relating to some topless pictures of Kate Middleton. On the other...
What If Your Grandmother Is Also Your Mother?
JIHEE (MARIE) PARK <Contributor> Swedish researchers and doctors have successfully carried out human uterus transplants from mother to daughter. This will no doubt be cause of much talk in ethics that will force us to re-examine the acceptable limits of medical science and its technological applications. Swedish doctors and researchers are boasting about their recent accomplishment, a...
Out On Bay Street: A Signpost for Many Paths
DOUGLAS JUDSON <Contributor> In July, I submitted a piece to my hometown newspapers in Northwestern Ontario. In my submission (full-text here), I explained how tremendously important it is for individuals and organizations to be deliberately accepting and welcoming of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally (LGBTQA) individuals, regardless of the known presence or absence of...
A Belated Welcome From Tom Wilson, Chair of Student Caucus
TOM WILSON <Chair, Student Caucus> With the start of a new year at Osgoode, I want to take this opportunity as Chair of Student Caucus to welcome everyone back and to report on Caucus’ work over the summer. First, allow me to address an age-old question: how is Student Caucus different from Legal and Lit? Here’s the long and short of it … Legal and Lit is the overarching student government...
Message from L&L President
ELENA IOSEF <Legal & Lit President> Hi everyone! My name is Elena Iosef and I am the 137th President of the Legal and Literary Society of Osgoode Hall Law School. Now that we’ve gotten the obligatory formal introduction out of the way, I would like to say that the rest of the Legal and Literary Society members and I are incredibly happy to welcome you to a new year at Osgoode! Whether...
Obama, Iran, Israel, and the World as We Know It
HASSAN AHMAD <News Editor> As many students, including myself, begin the dreaded month of April, filled with stressful paper deadlines and 100% exams, it behoves us to reflect on the fact that not in the too distant future there looms the possibility of another international war. This time the primary parties seem to be America, Israel, and Iran. Since World War II, the principles of...
The Comrade’s Manifesto
COMRADE SHELLZ AKA DAVE SHELLNUTT AKA BIG DAVE SHELLZ AKA STRAWBERRY FIELDS AKA PREZ AKA THAT MOFO, ETC. <Legal & Lit President> This is my last communiqué to you all. Thank goodness, thank God, thank whomever you wish. On my end it has been trying, yet rewarding to write to the student body each week. Clearly I have enough to say but I have been perpetually self-conscious about saying...