CLASP and PBSC Osgoode working with PBSC National to make I.D. accessible to Ontarians and support Bill-26. Government issued photo I.D. is required to access many vital government services, including health care, social assistance and subsidized housing. The costs and administrative complexity related to getting I.D. has prevented many low income and otherwise precarious residents of Ontario...
I attend Osgoode Hall Law School at York University
…and it’s a pretty cool place. As a 3L Student Caucus representative, I have the pleasure of sitting on the Osgoode Community Enhancement Forum (OCEF). Last year the OCEF considered how fostering a better relationship between Osgoode students and York University might improve the overall student experience at Osgoode. While this goal is obviously a work in progress, in this article I want to...
And May the Curve Be Ever In Your Favour…
This year, the Academic Policy and Planning Committee (APPC) (a part of Faculty Council here at Osgoode), has been discussing the bell curve and its application to small classes. The scope of the discussion includes all seminars, intensive/clinical programs and classes with enrolments under thirty students. As one of your student representatives on the APPC, I would like to take the opportunity...
Welcome to Your Single-Use Education
JEFF MITCHELL <Contributor> Everywhere I travel, tiny life. Single-serving sugar, single-serving cream, single pat of butter. The microwave Cordon Bleu hobby kit. Shampoo-conditioner combos, sample-packaged mouthwash, tiny bars of soap. The people I meet on each flight? They’re single-serving friends. – Fight Club (1999) Why should our classroom experience be single-use? Why are many of us...
Student Caucus: A Year in Review, or, “Where Doth the Time Go?”
<Beastly Bard>
Graduating students will recall that Hannah Askew (’13) won the 2010-11 “Dean for a Day” contest.
How About a 1L Reading Week?
First semester of first year law school is undoubtedly a difficult transition. In a jam-packed, fast-paced four-month span, students are expected to adapt to a new environment, community, learning style and grading scheme.
Submission to the Law Society of Upper Canada in Response to the Pathways Report
What follows is the full-length November 12 submission by Student Caucus to the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) in response to LSUC’s Pathways Report on the future of the articling requirement.
Call for Submissions: Osgoode’s Audio-Video Recording Policy
“Greetings, travellers!”
*Correct identification of the source of this quote entitles one to a coffee courtesy of me. Yes, there’s only one correct answer.
Osgoode Library Policy Update
It’s that time of the year again. With exams around the corner, Osgoode students take a seat in the Library to study. As upper years will recall, the “exam period restricted access policy” is just around the corner.
Creating a “Law Students Society of Ontario”
On October 19, six representatives of your Legal and Literary Society and Student Caucus attended a two-day conference at Queen’s University, put on by the Queen’s Law Student Society. The conference invited representatives of student government from all six of Ontario’s law schools with a goal of creating a draft constitution
We The People
As stated by Chief Justice Marshall in the famous US case Marbury v Madison, “the people have an original right to establish, for their future government, such principles as, in their opinion, shall most conduce their own happiness, [which] is the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected.”
Lions and Tigers and Student Caucus Updates, Oh My!
<Chair, Student Caucus>
Hello again, Osgoode!
It feels like weeks since my last update as Chair of Student Caucus. In fact, it has been weeks… and what a busy fortnight it’s been!
A Belated Welcome From Tom Wilson, Chair of Student Caucus
TOM WILSON <Chair, Student Caucus> With the start of a new year at Osgoode, I want to take this opportunity as Chair of Student Caucus to welcome everyone back and to report on Caucus’ work over the summer. First, allow me to address an age-old question: how is Student Caucus different from Legal and Lit? Here’s the long and short of it … Legal and Lit is the overarching student government...