
The Social Media War


Propagandizing war through social media is a total and utter disgrace. Why would anyone show the world their ugliness by putting their sadism on display?

How’re You Gonna Call?


<Staff Writer>
Apart from the other news stories and the week of gloomy weather Sandy has presented us, her sweep across the continent has presented us with a unique question. In New York, residents whose power and cell phone reception went down had to rely on public pay phones

Nuit Blah


KAROLINA WISNIEWSKI <Opinions Editor> My feelings regarding Nuit Blanche were perfectly captured by’s posting of the Nuit Blanche Drinking Game. Among other clever instructions, players were invited to finish their drink whenever they regretted coming to the event. One of my friends reacted immediately by saying that if he played along, he would have consumed so much alcohol before...

Bike Lanes


CHRISTOPHER FLEURY <Staff Writer> I was very excited to see Andrew Cyr’s article “Staying Active at Osgoode” in the Obiter’s last issue.  Although I enjoyed all of the suggestions for keeping fit, as someone who cycles to campus every day, it was refreshing to hear another advocate of dropping the metro-pass in favor of a bike.  My only point of contention is with Andrew’s optimism about...

I Hate Chain Letters


ELSIE BORDEN <Contributor> I cannot express in words how much I hate chain letters. Even during the halcyon days of the internet, when gopher was a legitimate protocol and Pine was the email client of choice, there loomed the plague of the chain letter: an abomination born of pipe dreams, superstition and ignorance. By preying on humanity’s most mundane hopes and fears, these cursed...

How To Write Well: The Economist Style Guide


<Opinions Editor>

The Economist has its critics. Bloggers have taken to calling it “comically stupid”, other publications deride its biased outlook, and even Chomsky publically commented on its misrepresentations and lack of credibility.

The Next Frontier in Genetic Modification: Are Trans-Human Super-Soldiers A Good Idea?


For those of you who remain skeptical of the potential hazards of genetically modified foods—even in the wake of the recent ‘anti-organic’ media-blitz prompted by a Stanford University study—the US Military is quietly unveiling the next frontier in genetic modification. On Aug. 13, 2012 the Daily Mail ran an article titled, “Army of the future: Soldiers will be able to run at Olympic speed and...

Closure of Embassies: The Ultimate Panacea?


MOHSEN SEDDIGH <Contributor> On the eve of the release of Ben Affleck’s Argo, Canada has closed its embassy in Iran and declared personae non gratae all remaining Iranian diplomats in Ottawa. It was a sudden announcement that did not come as a colossal surprise as relations between the two countries have been shaky during the past few years, in particular since the death of an Iranian...

Isolation of Iran


When the Canadian government is labelled racist by Iran, it follows that we have done something right. Quite apart from racism, the Canadian government has demonstrated principled moral leadership in its decision to close its embassy in Iran and expel Iranian diplomats from Canada. In response to Canada’s decision, the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that “The hostile behaviour of the current...

The Unreasonable Man’s Thoroughly Unreasonable Summer


TRAVIS WEAGANT <Editor-in-Chief> I knew throughout my entire 8 months as a 1L that the summer of 2012 would be the last summer of my life.  I don’t mean to say that I plan on departing this world before June 2013, but rather that the rest of my tenure as a postsecondary student is quite deliberately scheduled: 2L, summer at a law firm, 3L, bar exam, articles, real life.  Not that this is...

Goodbye Toronto, Goodbye Osgoode


NICHOLAS VAN DUYVENBODE <Opinions Editor> As the last issue of this year, the articles in here are largely reflective of a saying goodbye to Osgoode and of course, looking back on the last 3 years. I, myself, will also be saying goodbye to Osgoode, but like many I am also saying goodbye to Toronto. I’ve had an overall great experience at Osgoode. The school work did challenge me to rise to...

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