Is it “locker room talk” if it happens in the bar after the game? I’m seriously asking, because sometimes, the conversation gets more candid in the allegedly public setting of the local watering hole. You know, the place you go to after your beer league hockey game, where conversations are frequently interrupted by shouts of “come on Andersen, that was a clean shot from the point! How did you...
The Evolution of Strangers Driving Us Around: The Dark Side of Uber
I seem to write for Obiter whenever something odd happens in my life – a noticeably hot day in Fall, in shorts and a tank top sipping a Starbucks PSL (which unsurprisingly has happened once again this year). However, this time it’s about the need to catch my flight to a particularly windy city. Now, before I begin, I want to add a disclaimer that Uber is wonderful and I am thankful for its...
Hugh Hefner and Not Growing Up
Hugh Hefner died on 27 September 2017, at the age of 91. It seemingly took all of five minutes for people to start arguing over whether he was a progressive icon or a glorified sleaze merchant. As a prospective lawyer, I naturally spent far too much time trying to explain to several people that the truth is somewhere between those two extremes. It was honestly surprising to see the magnitude of...
Incarceration, Rehabilitation, Reintegration
The ultimate goal of our corrections system is much more than just punitive There is a misconception, I think, that individuals convicted of crimes should remain behind bars indefinitely. Or, that these individuals should be forever marked with the stigma and second-hand citizenship of being criminals. Or, that they deserve nothing more than to pay for their crimes, and languish in prison...
Why Should Law Students Care About International Human Rights?
A look at recent developments in Saudi Arabia and why we need to care If you have recently tuned into the news headlines – or let’s face it, scrolled through Facebook – you will have noticed a big development for the international human rights movement. On Tuesday, September 26, Saudi Arabia finally lost their reputation as being the only country in the world to officially ban women from driving...
Philosophising by Osgoode’s Front Doors on a Sunny September Afternoon The front entrance of Osgoode Hall Law School is a regular sparring ring for minds to go head-to-head. Concrete blocks and the iconic Osgoode Hall plaque all make up a congregation space suited for busy minded law students to unwind and let their colours show. It’s the second week of school, and I sit with one of my old...
With Privilege Comes Duty
White Privilege Exists: Do Something Good With It On 7 September 2017, a video emerged of a woman heckling NDP leadership hopeful Jagmeet Singh at an event in Brampton. Heckling is putting it mildly, since she spent about two minutes shouting at Mr. Singh from a distance of about four inches. When staffers and crowd members tried to calm her or otherwise dissuade her, she threatened to have them...
Being a Lawyer is No Joke
Nor is it a Gold Mine I recently had one of those experiences that always gets me lathered up for a fight: someone told a lawyer joke. Lawyer jokes really piss me off, especially the ones about killing lawyers or comparing them to slugs and slime. I take them personally. After all, I left the law after only nine years of practice because it was physically exhausting, emotionally gruelling, and...
Bill 62, Muslim Women and the Niqab
Québec’s Bill 62 discriminates against a minority of a minority In 2016, the Québec government introduced Bill 62, An Act to foster adherence to State religious neutrality and, in particular, to provide a framework for religious accommodation requests in certain bodies. If passed, it will require personnel of public bodies to perform their jobs with their faces uncovered. Those receiving...
Ways of Learning

When I got pregnant the first time around, I was inundated with information. Mostly it was information intended to provide “expert help” on how to cope and how to incubate and raise the perfect human. I worked in a culturally diverse environment, but there was a lot of talk about expert advice. I followed the websites and a couple of books for a while but quickly realized that mostly they were...
Between a 1L Summer Job and a Hard Place
Why Osgoode Should Change Summer Clinical Employment Acceptance Deadlines It goes without saying that the 1L recruit process is incredibly competitive and stressful for applicants. While most of the issues students have with the process are due to the low availability of interview offers and even fewer employment offers, there’s one frustrating situation that the Osgoode administration...

1. Introduction One of the main contributions that technology can make to law is providing innovative ways of promoting access to justice. In this article, I will analyze one particular kind of technological solution to this problem: gamification of educative software. First, access to justice will be defined as a broad concept, including the idea of “law as a life skill.” Second, I...
Eva Marszewski
A Trail-Blazer in Alternatives to Conventional Lawyering We are surrounded by messages in law school about preparing for our future careers in law firms or government offices. Have you ever wondered if there is another possible path to take with your law degree? If so, you are not alone. Alternative Careers Week is happening at Osgoode from February 27 to March 3 to give students...
People Who Got Cs and Lived to Tell the Tale

Compiled by Ian Mason When you received your acceptance to law school, you were elated. The positive energy continued right through O-Week, when you met your new friends and colleagues, and began the path to becoming a lawyer. Your first semester was a grind, but you made it. Then grades came out, and maybe you feel like you didn’t make it at all. You might be feeling discouraged. You...
The Distance between Law and Justice

Lessons from a Student at Parkdale Community Legal Services Amidst the student selection process for clinical and intensive programs at Osgoode last week, many of you have asked me about the Poverty Law Intensive at Parkdale Community Legal Services (PCLS). Being at Parkdale has been the best part of my law school experience. I started by completing a semester in the winter term, stayed on...
Three Tech Trends Law Students Need to Know
From autonomous vehicles to blockchain currency, technological development is not only changing workplaces but even industries. How fast will technology have a significant impact on the legal industry remains a very open question. These are the top three trends all law students should be aware of. Artificial Intelligence On a very basic level, artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of...
Insane Drinks for an Insane 2017

“I Dare You to Drink That” After the inauguration of a President, who basically looked at 1984 and said “challenge accepted,” I figure it’s time for some relatively comedic filler material. Things are only going to get weirder, and we’re going to need to adapt to a changing world, lest we get left behind. In light of that observation, I suspect a good place to start would be adapting in a...
Horror Stories 2

In the spirit of going with what works, I’ve decided to write a second edition of “horror stories of men without shame.” While I had planned on writing this follow-up in March (when an increased workload made tricking – er, “convincing” – others to write most of my article for me more appealing), the upcoming inauguration of Donald Trump warrants earlier publication. What better way to celebrate...
Beyond Freud and Hobbes

What Economic Analyses of Law Have to say About Legalizing Drugs Introduction Psychology, medicine, law, and philosophy are usually in the spotlight when it comes to discussions regarding the legalization of drugs. These knowledge fields are indeed capable of contributing to the discussion in many ways. To psychologists and doctors, this is, above all else, a matter of public health (Passos...
Don’t Despair

or, Rome wasn’t built in a day The first rush of excitement has passed, the people who complimented you on wearing it so well have gone back to their daily lives. You’re ten weeks in and you don’t remember whether you’ve showered this week, when the last time was you had a decent meal and it seems like sleep has never been more than a distant memory. Every day is a new test, with new...
Global Affairs – The Year Ahead

To say that 2016 was an eventful year for the world of global affairs would be an understatement. The US election and the Brexit vote gave serious shivers to the world. ISIS continued to terrorise the globe from Istanbul to Orlando. Europe struggled with its migrant crisis and countries from France to Hungary saw the rise of the far-right. With the visit of the US President and death of its...
2016: A Year in Review

The Worst is Over or Lynchpin for the Endtimes? I should open with something resembling full disclosure. As a wannabe lawyer and journalist, human misery is basically my bread and butter. Without it, I’d have little potential beyond being an office monkey who’d be lucky to get a salaried job in this economy. You don’t hire a lawyer unless you have a problem that warrants shelling out hundreds of...

Sorting out the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 2016 T’was a mood-souring year, dubbed the worst here and there. It’s arguable as to when things in 2016 really got bad. As a music aficionado/child of the 80’s, 2016 started to sink with the death of David Bowie. It was sad to see a musical artist disappear from the world of song and dance. His look, his rhythm and beauty are exquisitely...
Shaming Melania

Who knows what makes Melania Trump tick? She’s hard to figure out unless you want to make “judgey,” slut-shaming assessments based on her appearance and her past choices. I don’t know that much about her, but what I’ve seen doesn’t exactly impress me. I’ve seen a photograph of her with a gold-plated baby carriage in a gold-plated nursery. I’ve heard an interview with her and Donald Trump on...
Deflating the Orange Balloon

Thoughts after the First Week Following Trump’s Election The initial shock is mostly over. Yes, the American people elected a joke. A really, truly awful joke. However, in the midst of the hissing and groaning and jeering and other angrily vocal reactions, to my surprise, I noticed one particular person who isn’t laughing. Donald J. Trump. Recent images show a deflated, exhausted...