
A Little Sheep Told Me: Hair Crazy


<Staff Writer>
My past articles have primarily focused on fashion in terms of clothing, leading me to realize that one vital periphery has indeed been overlooked. In this issue, therefore, I want to highlight another important aspect of one’s professional “look” – hairstyles

JCR Opens Again … Finally


<News Editor>
The JCR bar opened again tonight much to the delight of the overworked and sleep-deprived everywhere in Osgoode. “Another great reason to procrastinate” was the general consensus of people I spoke to, and don’t we all need those from time to time to retain our precarious sanities.

Corporate Governance Beyond Borders


On October 3, 2012, the Osgoode Society for Corporate Governance (OSCG) held its inaugural event, “Corporate Governance Beyond Borders”, a panel discussion on corporate governance in emerging markets with two internationally-renowned experts on corporate governance:

ILP Testimonials


Every year International Legal Partnerships (ILP) sends Osgoode students all over the world to intern at various public interest organizations. This past summer we sent students to everywhere from Sierra Leone to Thailand. Some of the interns have taken time to share their summer experiences with the Osgoode community.

Osgoode O-Week: Olways Owesome


OSGOODE O-WEEK: OLWAYS OWESOME <Jon O’Kane> Special to the Obiter Dicta* Add one part nervous energy, a heaping pile of excitement, a dash of Ethical Lawyering, the finest hint of Dean Sossin and you’ve got yourself a recipe for Orientation Week 2012.  The Class of 2015 came in with a bang – and I don’t just mean the thunderstorm on Tuesday, September 4th that greeted you at the door.  With...

Preparing for On Campus Interviews (OCIs)


That time of year is upon us. Second year students are in the process of preparing for the recruitment process generally and OCIs specifically. This piece seeks to provide some very high level advice for those participating in the process. A brief limiting statement is required before I start. OCIs are certainly an important part of law school for many students. It can be a source of stress and...

Message from Dean Sossin: “Experience Osgoode”


Welcome (and for those of you returning, welcome back)! Last year, Osgoode’s new Strategic Plan, “Experience Osgoode” was unanimously adopted by Faculty Council – . It represents a bold roadmap for the future. For students, the Plan highlights the importance of experiential learning, community engagement, accessible legal education and undertaking research which helps shape public debate. A...

The Career Development Office Welcomes You (Back) to Osgoode!


The Career Development Office (CDO) is excited to announce a variety of new programs and services being offered to students for the 2012/2013 academic year.   There are also a number of new faces in the CDO and we hope that both those new to Osgoode, as well as those returning, will come by and introduce yourselves. The objective of the CDO is to assist students in defining and achieving their...

A Message from Dean Sossin


With an eventful academic term and year winding down, I want to take this opportunity to offer this final message. It certainly seems like more than a mere 7 months ago when the Osgoode community returned to the newly renovated building. The sense of excitement and relief to have all of our faculty, staff and students under one roof, and light pouring in the new JCR, Bistro, and Library windows...

Zealous Advocacy in the Court of Public Opinion


BURTON TAYLOR <Staff Writer> On Monday March 12th, Navigator Limited’s Jaime Watt came to give a talk to Ronald Podolny’s seminar class on Assessment of Litigation and Regulatory Risk. The topic of his talk was law and politics and the “cross pressures” that can occur when politics and law meet. For those unfamiliar with Jaime Watt, his day job is as the Executive Chairman and Senior...

Isolation at Osgoode


RJ WALLIA <Staff Writer> On March 8th, the JCR was host venue to an amazing event. It was part fundraiser and part memorial to Wendy Babcock, a student at Osgoode who fought for social justice issues within her community and a fierce friend for many at this school. It was a magnificent event where everyone was able to enjoy amazing performances by their fellow students, some of who went out...

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