
Nuit Blanche unlocks modern art


MARIE PARK <Layout Editor> As night fell upon the streets of Toronto on October 5, 2013, hundreds of thousands congregated to experience Nuit Blanche. Though many were artists in their own right, many were also members the general public with a topical understanding and awareness of modern art. Many such individuals may know of Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse, but may shake their head when...

Nuit Blanche & Toronto: Art as Therapy


NADIA GUO <News Editor> “Cities have shape and size; they have histories, constitutions, administrations and systems; they have rhythms, bodies and buildings. They are formed with all of these elements in relation to each other to make space for dwelling, commerce, ritual and play, giving expression to memories, chronicles, secrets and desires. We can discover something about the heart...

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