Tagauthor: hannah de jong

What does access to justice mean to everyday Canadians?


What does the public think about the justice system? What does justice mean to everyday Canadians? We interviewed 99 Canadians in the Greater Toronto Area and have captured their responses in our colourful new infographic “What is Access to Justice?”You can see the infographic at: www.cfcj-fcjc.org/infographics/what-is-a2j The infographic is based on the “What is Access to Justice” project...

Lost in the advice maze: what happens when I can’t find the legal help I need?


Your landlord refuses to address your mold problem. You were wrongfully terminated from your job. You doctor neglected to follow standard procedure. All of a sudden, you find yourself faced with a legal problem. Who do you call? Where do you start looking for help? Seeking answers to your questions seems like an impossible task, and as frustration sets in, you soon feel like giving up. This cycle...

The time to act is now: Transforming research into innovative action


Research must always go hand-in-hand with action and implementation. While the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice primarily focuses on access to justice research and advocacy, it also recognizes the importance of putting the recommendations and strategies that are developed by evidence-based research into action. Indeed, it can be said that research, while important, accomplishes little if it does...

How can you measure the cost of justice?


In February, we introduced the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice’s (CFCJ) “Cost of Justice” project, a research initiative designed to determine the legal, economic, and social costs and benefits of pursuing, or not pursuing, justice. In an attempt to determine these costs, the project has numerous studies underway, some of which focus on regional and provincial issues, while some are national in...

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