Tagauthor: karolina wisniewski

Watch her adapts classicism to the 21st century


If there are two words I cannot stand to see in print, they are “sublime” and “Kafkaesque”. There is nearly always a less pretentious way to achieve descriptive accuracy, and I’ve come to regard overreliance on those turns of phrase to be little more than laziness hidden beneath a thin veneer of pseudo-intellectualism – something I have little patience for in general. In light of this, I...

Legal Dysfunctionalism


Allow me to open this article with a rather trite statement: judges and courts play an important role in the development of the common law. Their interpretations have wide-reaching influence, from determining the approach of lower courts in the future, to affecting how lawyers advise their clients. This effect is amplified in the Supreme Court of Canada, where only a relatively small number of...

Looking Ahead to Osheaga


<Opinions Editor>
If you listened really carefully, you could probably hear the collective exasperated sigh let out by Canadian music enthusiasts at 8 pm on March 11th when the lineup for Osheaga 2013 was announced.

“Girls” Like Us


<Opinions Editor>
There is no shortage of articles berating HBO’s Girls for being racist, elitist, whiney, smug and generally exemplifying all that is wrong with Generation Y. Unsurprisingly enough, many critiques of the series are interwoven with personal attacks on Lena Dunham.

Nuit Blah


KAROLINA WISNIEWSKI <Opinions Editor> My feelings regarding Nuit Blanche were perfectly captured by Bite.ca’s posting of the Nuit Blanche Drinking Game. Among other clever instructions, players were invited to finish their drink whenever they regretted coming to the event. One of my friends reacted immediately by saying that if he played along, he would have consumed so much alcohol before...

How To Write Well: The Economist Style Guide


<Opinions Editor>

The Economist has its critics. Bloggers have taken to calling it “comically stupid”, other publications deride its biased outlook, and even Chomsky publically commented on its misrepresentations and lack of credibility.

Osheaga 2012: “Hotter Than a Hog in Heat”


KAROLINA WISNIEWSKI <Opinions Editor> All Photos by Rob Noehammer Editor’s Note: The Obiter Dicta doesn’t run in the summer but we couldn’t resist sending Karolina off to Montreal to cover what was perhaps the most well-attended Osheaga ever. Partially a consequence of its exponential surge in popularity within the last year, Osheaga 2012 can best be characterized by a...

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