Tagcareer development

The Curves on the Yellow Brick Road


I was having lunch with some law school friends last semester. We were discussing some of the careers our peers had before coming to law school. I noted that one of our classmates had been a food blogger in her pre-law school life. My friend shouted, “that’s my dream job!”Her exclamation made me laugh. What on earth are you doing in law school, I thought, if you really want to be a food blogger...

Preparing for On Campus Interviews (OCIs)


That time of year is upon us. Second year students are in the process of preparing for the recruitment process generally and OCIs specifically. This piece seeks to provide some very high level advice for those participating in the process. A brief limiting statement is required before I start. OCIs are certainly an important part of law school for many students. It can be a source of stress and...

The Career Development Office Welcomes You (Back) to Osgoode!


The Career Development Office (CDO) is excited to announce a variety of new programs and services being offered to students for the 2012/2013 academic year.   There are also a number of new faces in the CDO and we hope that both those new to Osgoode, as well as those returning, will come by and introduce yourselves. The objective of the CDO is to assist students in defining and achieving their...

The Importance of Networking


WESLEY FORGIONE <Osgoode Alum> As I am writing this article, I am staring at the list of 10-15 lawyers and other professionals with whom I have connected since graduating from Osgoode and with whom I maintain an ongoing relationship.  I began this list during my second year OCI’s to keep in contact with the firms and people with whom I shared a common professional interest. This list...

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