Tagcopyright law

Protecting Fifty Shades of Grey Market Goods


Preventing Parallel Imports of Trademarked Goods through Copyright Law Traditionally, trademark owners have primarily relied upon exclusive distribution agreements between manufacturers and distributors to control the flow of their goods within the market. However, the territorial restrictions in these agreements are subject to privity of contract and, therefore, suffer from the third party...

Leaving the Back Door Open to Trolls


The slippery slope that left Canada’s newly implemented notice-and-notice system open for abuse Less than a week after it came into effect, Canada’s new copyright notice-and-notice system, which requires Internet service providers to forward warning notices issued to customers by rights holders, was already marked with controversy. Described as a “loophole in the new law,” the government’s...

Something Olde, Something New…


Has the Copyright Act become outdated in a new digital era? Once upon a time, it was commonplace for consumers to pop into their local shops and browse through collections of used records, CDs, movies, books, or whatever other media were available for purchase. Students would resell their used textbooks to get back a portion of the initial price paid for them, and Nirvana fans could pick up a...

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