
Washing Away the Olympic Spirit


How corruption in Russia, and the civil and political breakdown of the Ukraine have drowned the lingering high of the Olympics, and sobered the global community before the athletes had even returned home. When the Olympics wrapped up in 2010, it seemed like the emotional high of Vancouver had wafted right across the country, leaving Canadians with a happy hangover we were all too content to let...

Young Judges Take On Corruption And Inefficiency In European Courts


During reading week, I had the opportunity to travel to Prague to visit a good friend of mine, and of course, to do research for my Entertainment and Sports law seminar paper. PIERA SAVAGE <Contributor> I’d been to Prague a few months before, in late August, when it was still quite warm, and had fallen in love with the charming city. I welcomed the opportunity that reading week provided to...

Corruption: The Greatest Threat to Global Sports


What is the biggest issue facing sports today?  Is it doping?  Head injuries?  If you ask investigative sports journalist and recent Osgoode guest Declan Hill, he would tell you that there is no bigger issue in sport than corruption and match-fixing.  Match-fixing refers to the practice by which sports are played to a pre-determined result in order to earn a profit by betting on the match.  One...

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