Taggame of thrones

Game of Thrones Lives On


The craziest fan theory you’ve heard yet: Westeros is not that different from our world. If you are a big Game of Thrones fan like I am, then you probably agree that no matter how much you love the show, you are not planning a trip to Westeros anytime soon. Firstly, because it is obviously fictional, but secondly because it is ruthless as hell and I would definitely not last a week there. The...

A Little Sheep Told Me: Which Game of Thrones Lead Are You?


Happy New Year! School year, of course. Hopefully you have all had a wonderful break and are refreshed for another exciting term. For those of you entering Osgoode’s halls for the first time, welcome and thank you for picking up the very first 2013/2014 Obiter issue. The Game of Thrones series seems to have captivated the entire globe. During my travels this summer, I encountered GoT fans...

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