Tagglobal affairs

Global Affairs – The Year Ahead


To say that 2016 was an eventful year for the world of global affairs would be an understatement. The US election and the Brexit vote gave serious shivers to the world. ISIS continued to terrorise the globe from Istanbul to Orlando. Europe struggled with its migrant crisis and countries from France to Hungary saw the rise of the far-right. With the visit of the US President and death of its...

Closure of Embassies: The Ultimate Panacea?


MOHSEN SEDDIGH <Contributor> On the eve of the release of Ben Affleck’s Argo, Canada has closed its embassy in Iran and declared personae non gratae all remaining Iranian diplomats in Ottawa. It was a sudden announcement that did not come as a colossal surprise as relations between the two countries have been shaky during the past few years, in particular since the death of an Iranian...

Isolation of Iran


When the Canadian government is labelled racist by Iran, it follows that we have done something right. Quite apart from racism, the Canadian government has demonstrated principled moral leadership in its decision to close its embassy in Iran and expel Iranian diplomats from Canada. In response to Canada’s decision, the Iranian Foreign Ministry stated that “The hostile behaviour of the current...

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