
Happiness Project: Happy Food


CASS DA RE <Features Editor> Are you having one of those slow, dreary days? Maybe you stayed up too late doing readings, and are now regretting it. Or, you stayed up too late not doing readings, and are regretting that. Either way, law school students are by no means known for their persistently perky and positive personalities. We are much more known for studying, late night coffee runs...

Staying Active at Osgoode


ANDREW CYR <Sports Editor> Greeting Sports Fans! The OHAA would like to thank everyone who came out to the Clubs Fair and signed up for intramurals.  If you didn’t make it, don’t fret; you can still join a team by e-mailing osgoodeintramurals@gmail.com.  We are currently registering teams for hockey, soccer, softball, volleyball, basketball, Ultimate frisbee, and inner-tube water polo. ...

Message from L&L President


ELENA IOSEF <Legal & Lit President> Hi everyone! My name is Elena Iosef and I am the 137th President of the Legal and Literary Society of Osgoode Hall Law School. Now that we’ve gotten the obligatory formal introduction out of the way, I would like to say that the rest of the Legal and Literary Society members and I are incredibly happy to welcome you to a new year at Osgoode! Whether...

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