This piece is intended to serve as a contrarian perspective and partial rebuttal to the Op-ed entitled “The Death of Hope and Change.”
What Does the American Election Mean for Canada?
With the American election resolved and the President re-elected, the question now becomes what to expect in a second Obama term, and what its implications are for Canada. To be sure, the President retained his position decisively in the Electoral College, but won much more narrowly in the popular vote.
The Unreasonable Man Hates Hallowe’en
I am a Hallowe’en Grinch. I don’t know when it happened, but I suspect it was when I stopped getting a bag full of free candy every year. With the material profitability of the day eliminated, I could see no other way to derive a net benefit from dressing strangely.
The Death of Hope and Change
That Mitt Romney fellow, a felon, is he not? A tax cheat? A tool of the rich? A corporate raider, antithetical to all that is American?