
Who really needs access to justice?


It is an inescapable fact that our lives as lawyers will be guided in part by ethical considerations. For some of us, studying law is an opportunity to pursue social justice. For the rest of us, professional obligations require us to practice ethically and act in the public interest. And one issue that will affect all spheres of practice – from the lowly legal aid clinic to the high society Bay...

Training to join a maimed profession


It’s not just the nature of practising law – the habits and beliefs which make lawyers miserable are instilled right here in law school. 3L should be a time of celebration.  Most of us have completed at least 7 years of post-secondary education, sometimes a lot more.  We’ve been assessed and prodded more thoroughly than even the finest steak.  We’ve beaten the odds again, and again, and again...

A gay, agnostic student’s surprising response to the TWU debate


Last week, Robyn Schleihauf published an article in the Obiter, condemning Trinity Western University’s (TWU) highly politicized application for accreditation of what could become BC’s fourth law school. She describes TWU’s Community Covenant as a “national disgrace,” proponents of which ignore “an underlying misconception: that requiring gay people to suppress their sexuality is not...

The cost of talking about Rob Ford


After another week of ridicule and embarrassment, Rob Ford is, whether in practice or name only, still our mayor. His resilience is, if nothing else, interesting. A man who has managed to morally and politically divide the city of Toronto’s population through actions that have next to nothing to do with his actual policies or political decisions, Ford has put all of Toronto in a unique and...

Trinity Western’s Community Covenant: a national disgrace


Many of you will have heard that the Federation of Law Societies has accredited Trinity Western University, a privately funded Christian university operating out of the Fraser Valley in British Columbia, to run a law school. Trinity teaches through a Christian lens and requires all of its students and faculty to sign a “Community Covenant Agreement” and abide by certain community standards...

Nuit Blah


KAROLINA WISNIEWSKI <Opinions Editor> My feelings regarding Nuit Blanche were perfectly captured by Bite.ca’s posting of the Nuit Blanche Drinking Game. Among other clever instructions, players were invited to finish their drink whenever they regretted coming to the event. One of my friends reacted immediately by saying that if he played along, he would have consumed so much alcohol before...

How To Write Well: The Economist Style Guide


<Opinions Editor>

The Economist has its critics. Bloggers have taken to calling it “comically stupid”, other publications deride its biased outlook, and even Chomsky publically commented on its misrepresentations and lack of credibility.

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