
Five Legal Drugs in Serious Need of Better Regulation


(Editor’s Note: Obiter does not usually publish anonymous articles, but in this case, identifying the author might be detrimental to his/her career prospects, and the message is one of some social and/or legal importance.  You can probably guess the author’s identity anyway.) Full disclosure time: over a decade ago, I was a teenage reprobate. When I returned to university in my early...

Slipping on Silk Road


SAM MICHAELS <Staff Writer> This week, the FBI took down the site once thought to be the internet’s Forbidden City. The infallible Silk Road is gone, replaced with a United States Government warning, signaling the potential for sweeping changes in how the internet and society interact. If you don’t know what the Silk Road is, well, the secret is out, so a quick Google search will fill you...

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