Our Editorial Policy


A Refresher

Dear readers,

Obiter Dicta is deeply committed to freedom of expression. We make an effort to present divergent viewpoints on a number of contentious issues. We also welcome responses – particularly written ones – by readers.

It may be self-evident that the management of the paper does not endorse all of the viewpoints expressed in our pages, but we feel the need to reiterate that here. Opinions belong to their authors; they have the freedom of expression but also the responsibility that comes with that freedom. We trust that our writers take their responsibility to refrain from presenting that which is false or unduly inflammatory seriously. Furthermore, we believe that our readers are astute enough to arrive at their own conclusions without the intervention of our censorial hand. We edit for style and accuracy, but not to suppress the thoughts of our contributors.

Many of you may already know this, but Obiter differs from other campus newspapers. We are not only a news publication; we are a forum for members of the Osgoode community (students, faculty, administration, and alumni) to share their work on the understanding that we will strive to maintain its basic integrity. We rely on voluntary contributions, and therefore value enthusiasm and initiative. We would not wish to dampen enthusiasm or initiative by imposing an editorial stance on our contributors. We see the diversity of our content – which, yes, encompasses the esoteric and offbeat – as a strength. We hope that you feel the same way. We serve a diverse and vibrant community and try to offer something meaningful to each of our readers.

Thank you for your continued support of Obiter as we embark on our 91st year of publication.


The Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editors

About the author

Ryan Ng

Co-Editor in Chief

Emily Papsin

Co-Editor in Chief

By Editor, Ryan Ng, Emily Papsin

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