drinking game


anyone who, after one full day of law school, found themselves solicited for legal advice by friends and family, drink.

anyone with a crush on a Dean’s Fellow, drink.

anyone in torts who thought chattel just meant cows & horses;

anyone in legal process who wrote ultra virus when they meant ultra vires, drink.

married couples, drink. dating couples, drink. if you came here looking for love, drink.

 anyone who has at any time contemplated switching lives and bodies with the nice ladies who work at the bistro, drink.

TTC riders who wince and plug their ears from Sheppard West to Downsview Park, drink.

Obiter editors, who were already drinking without being asked, I appreciate the initiative.

every Friday evening sobriety-pledger sipping coffee and Gatorade the next morning, drink.

(next one’s on me)

1Ls who think they’re here because of some administrative error made on an Excel spreadsheet in a basement office by some committee member maybe eating grocery store sushi, drink.

international students who don’t have winter coats, drink.

anyone who, by some small act of kindness, made life a bit easier or nicer for another student who might be in the sort of academic, financial or psychic hell that surpasses their imagination, not for any real or imagined social benefit but just cause hey, we’re all in this together, drink.

About the author

Sebastian Becker


By Sebastian Becker

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