After Iowa, Student Caucus Surprised To Learn People Can Care About Caucuses



Citing ‘app failure’ and a lack of volunteer training, nearly a day after the Iowa caucuses in the Democratic primary we are still left in the dark as to who has clinched valuable delegates in the race to be the Democratic Party candidate. With the failure of the DNC to publish the results of the Iowa Caucus in a timely manner, Osgoode students who are allegedly part of something called “Student Caucus” are now reacting and weighing on the matter.

“I really thought for a second people were upset about not hearing the results of Student Caucus.” said that one student who seemed friendly to you during O-week and was thus subsequently granted an indeterminate amount of power.

Concerned students have long expressed their dissatisfaction with representative decision-making at Osgoode for some time. They cite that everything happens behind closed doors, and it’s impossible to actually determine what decisions Student Caucus have actually made. Or, at least, they think it’s impossible. They’ve never bothered to check or anything.

“We’ve confirmed that there have been no issues in uploading meeting minutes to the L&L website. In terms of downloadability, we can get back to you once anybody ever tries to access them,” added whatshisname, a valued member of Student Caucus

All the talk of caucuses in the news might reinvigorate interest in Osgoode’s own democractic processes. “The biggest takeaway from the Iowa debacle is that apparently we have our own Caucus, and that’s kind of neat I guess? Maybe I’ll actually attend my first meeting,” responded one student, unaware that he has been a member of the Student Caucus for two years.

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