AuthorRebecca Rossi

OWN Your Career


What Happened at OWN’s Biggest Event of the Year? On Tuesday February, 25, 2020, the Osgoode Women’s Network (“OWN”) held its seventh annual “OWN Your Career,” event, the Network’s culminating event of the school year, at the Gladstone Hotel. This evening was designed for two main purposes: to provide a chance for Osgoode’s women-identifying students to network and make new connections with women...

Welcome from Osgoode Women’s Network


Dear Class of 2022, On behalf of the Osgoode Women’s Network (OWN) Executive Committee, we would like to extend our congratulations on beginning your legal career here at Osgoode! Osgoode noted potential in each of you and has hand-selected you to join our ranks, believing you could bring something unique to the classrooms and halls! Keep this in mind as you attend classes and begin to delve into...

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