
Lessons From the Past: Contextualizing Sri Lanka’s Anti-Muslim Riots


In today’s political climate of Islamophobia and identity politics, Sri Lanka’s tumultuous history may provide some key lessons.     Many people, when asked, would not be able to place Sri Lanka on a map. The small teardrop-shaped island nation off the coast of South India is often overlooked both on the map and in the news. But to the socially conscious observer navigating today’s political...

Lost in Taxation


Revenue Agency Ordered to Pay $1.7M in Damages In 2008, Tony and Helen Samaroo, a couple from Nanaimo, British Columbia who owned a popular restaurant called the MGM, were charged with twenty-one counts of tax evasion. The Samaroos were accused of misrepresenting earnings and pocketing upwards of $50,000 a month off the books. The couple claimed that they were simply transferring old $50 and $100...

Jordan’s Principle: Canada and its False Promises


Osgoode Health Law Association: Perspectives in Health       With tragic cases such as those of Tina Fontaine and Colten Boushie recently coming to a close, Canadians are becoming aware of the effects that governments and their institutions have on Indigenous people, and in these cases specifically, Indigenous youth. These two cases illustrate the failure of government, its...

Ireland Prepares to Join the 20th Century


After decades of intransigence, Ireland will hold a vote to repeal a constitutional ban on abortion   2018 could be the year abortion is finally legalized in Ireland if a referendum to repeal the constitution’s Eighth Amendment passes this spring. The country’s restrictive abortion law is over 150 years old. Passed in 1861, the Offenses Against the Person Act makes it an offence to “procure...

Some Sobering Thoughts on Ryerson Law


It’s time to put the brakes on the idea of Ryerson Law and look at the negative effects of opening another law school in Toronto   The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) recently approved Ryerson’s proposed new law school. I am sure that most of us have a similar response to this – enough is enough! You may think that I’m being self-interested in opposing Ryerson’s dreams of having a legal institution...

Newly Proposed Regulations for Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: A Solution or Part of the Problem?


  In Carter v Canada, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the criminal status of medically assisted dying was unconstitutional.[1] In June 2016, the government of Canada responded by creating provisions in the Criminal Code (Code) that decriminalized medical assistance in dying (MAiD).[2] Sections 241(2)-(7) of the Code set out the applicable exemptions allowing for MAiD and sections 241...

Considering the “Best Interests” of Indigenous Children in Family Law Cases


Indigenous children are starkly overrepresented in Ontario’s child welfare system: there are 7 times as many children in care as their proportion of the population.[1] The same problem existed in the 1980’s when the Supreme Court of Canada articulated the “best interests of the child” test in a de facto adoption case involving an Indigenous child.[2] In Racine v Woods, the court ruled that when...

Take a Break, Have a Kit Kat:


How Chocolate but Never Climate Change is Always on the Mind There are few pleasures in this world greater than sinking your teeth into something chocolate-flavoured. Be it a bar, a cake, a truffle, macaroon, literally anything chocolate-flavoured is something delectable. However, I know there will be some people who deplore anything chocolate (not including white chocolate because it does not...

Do My Parents Owe Osgoode Money? Makdissi v. Masson, 2017


Kids are expensive. At least, that’s what my parents have told me. Even if you don’t raise a child with expensive taste, the basics start to add up for families. Whether it’s food, shelter, extracurricular activities, or medical expenses, children are a significant financial commitment for their parents. It becomes even more complicated when separation and divorce are thrown into the mix. (I...



Opposition Leader Raila Odinga Inaugurated as “People’s President” Raila Odinga, Opposition Leader of Kenya’s National Super Alliance, recently held an inauguration ceremony for himself at Uhuru Park in central Nairobi. Before tens of thousands of supporters, Odinga swore himself in as the “People’s President” -– an apparent swipe at President Uhuru...

Perspectives in Health


Understanding the Ongoing Dispute Between the Ontario Medical Association and Ministry of Health   On September 5, 2017, the Ontario Medical Association (“OMA”) and the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term-Care (“MOHLTC”) entered a mediation and binding arbitration process to negotiate a new Physician Services Agreement (“PSA”). The OMA is a professional association that represents the...



South African Court of Appeal Doubles Oscar Pistorius’ Prison Sentence Recently, the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa increased Oscar Pistorius’ prison sentence to thirteen years and five months for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. Known to many as the “Blade Runner” for his carbon-fiber prosthetic legs, Pistorius captured the hearts and minds of...

Flaming Ice Pellets as a Means for Energy: How to keep using “cleaner” fossil fuels


Old man winter is the stuff that Elsa from Frozen can essentially bring forth from the depths of do not want. I mean, of course there are people who legitimately enjoy winter, however, there are just as many who believe winter is better off going about its course as quickly as possible. Yet, when we think about it, winter is incredible as it replenishes our water resources and allows furry...

Predatory Marriages: Hunt v Worrod


As the Canadian population continues to age, our country is confronting a myriad of legal and health care issues, including the alarming phenomenon of predatory marriages. A predatory marriage often describes a situation where a younger person takes advantage of an elderly or vulnerable person for their finances. Advocates note that our elderly population has acquired massive wealth, largely from...

An Uncomfortable Narrative: Mental health, the legal profession and racialized communities


Authored by Joanne D’Souza, Adrian Canagasuriam, and SALSA (Osgoode South Asian Law Students Association) You’re a young, racialized person. You come from an ethnic community where mental health issues are severely stigmatized, ignored, and silenced. You join the legal profession—which comes with long hours and high demands—and that takes a similarly neglectful approach to mental health and...

Why Choose the Poverty Law Intensive at Parkdale Community Legal Services?


If you’re thinking about applying for an intensive or clinical program for next year, learn why alumni can’t say enough good things about their experience in the Poverty Law Intensive   If you’ve ever talked to alumni of the Poverty Law Intensive, you’ll have noticed that we are almost cultishly enthusiastic about our experience in the program. The Poverty Law Intensive places students at...

The case that comes after Trinity Western


  The Supreme Court of Canada is currently penning the final chapter in Trinity Western University’s law school saga – a legal drama that has wound its way up to the top court from Ontario and B.C. over the past 4 years.   In their reasons, the justices are expected to deliver a landmark ruling on the balance of equality and religious freedom rights in Canada. In doing so, they could...

Perspectives in Health


Your Osgoode Health Law Association: Let us introduce ourselves… Hello from your Osgoode Health Law Association (HLA)! The HLA interrogates the area of health law, raises awareness of important health law issues, helps students explore the many career paths in health law, and fosters interdisciplinary collaborations and dialogue between students and health law professionals. We are excited to...

A Story We Haven’t Heard About Police Brutality


Police Brutality in Jamaica   I suspect it is common for all of us to have heard about police brutality in the United States, especially against black males. The powerful Black Lives Matter movement has pushed most news outlets to report these crimes and this has a strong effect on society. When unwarranted police brutality is made public and discussed, it exposes offenders and forces...

Trouble in Paradise


Paradise Papers Shed New Light on Offshore Tax Havens   Recently, a massive cache of over thirteen million financial documents was leaked to several European newspapers. Referred to as the Paradise Papers, this collection of documents shed new light on the financial practices of the world’s wealthiest individuals and corporations. More specifically, they provided insight on the controversial...

The “Motherisk” Class Action: Faulty Science & Family Tragedy


(Author’s note:  “This article was written before Justice Perell’s ruling on November 1, 2017 dismissing the certification motion. The decision can be accessed here“) In 2009, Tamara Broomfield was criminally convicted for a drug-related offence. This conviction was partially due to hair-strand testing conducted by the Motherisk Drug Testing Lab at the Hospital for Sick...

“HUMAN FLOW” A Scary Story for Halloween!

“If children will grow without any hopes, without any prospects of future, without any sense of being able to make any sense out of their lives, then they will become vulnerable to all sorts of exploitation including .” At age 60, he travelled to 23 countries shooting the myriad of miseries of those who had fled religious persecution, famine, war and violence from around the world to arrive in...

Family Factoids: Common Law Spouses


Are you interested in learning about family law matters without having to take a whole course on it? Want to avoid reading lengthy cases and just get to the basics of a concept? Are you not married, living with someone, and want to know if they are considered your spouse for legal purposes? I present to you a Family Law Factoid as it pertains to your love life. While it may not be the most...

A Cautionary Celebration: Nuclear Weapons and ICAN’s Nobel Peace Prize


“We live in a world where the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for a long time.” Berit Reiss-Andersen, the leader of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, made this statement to justify giving the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) the Nobel Peace Prize in early October. ICAN officially launched in Vienna in 2007 after its start in Australia...

The Kurdistan Quagmire: Consequences of Kurdish Independence


The reality of a future Kexit (Kurdish separation from Iraq) seemed all but certain when, on September 25, residents of the semi-autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence from Iraq. More than 92% answered ‘yes’ to the question: Do you want the Kurdistan Region and the Kurdistani areas outside the region’s administration to become an...

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