Warning: Recent Changes to Facebook Privacy Settings May Have Made Your Old Posts Public Social media can be a powerful tool, but it also can be like that ex you keep going back to but you know you shouldn’t. For example, on those days when you have an essay to write, exams to study for, a laundry list of things to do, and you have spent hours on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. In...
The Trudeau Truth Tracker
A ranking of some Liberal campaign promises Justin Trudeau will have been sworn in as the twenty-third prime minister on 4 November, so it’s probably a good time to stop staring into his sweltering gaze and take a look at some of the Liberal campaign promises made throughout that extra-long campaign. Were the promises sincere, or simply cheap talk in an attempt to win an election? Although I have...
The Curve, Class Structure and ‘Bleached Out’ Intellectualism
How the Curve Bleaches Out Intellectual Diversity and Entrenches Class Structure “In the wild struggle for existence,” writes Oscar Wilde, “we want to have something that endures, and so we fill our minds with rubbish and facts, in the silly hope of keeping our place.” The Picture of Dorian Gray was not intended as a commentary on the pursuit of legal education; yet it furnishes, albeit...
No better time for International Court of Justice to Rule on Climate Change Science
High-profile lawyer Philippe Sands QC suggests current scientific evidence on climate change goes well beyond the standard burden of legal proof, while speaking to an audience of revered judges and lawyers at an international law and climate change conference in London this September. “One of the most important things an International Court could do in my view, it is probably the single most...
Alternative Lawyers
From Out-laws to In-laws Every year, thousands of hopeful applicants submit personal statements describing who they hope to be and what they hope to accomplish with a JD from Osgoode Hall Law School. As someone whose interest in the law stemmed from a desire to better understand the related fields of public policy and governance, Osgoode made sense. But as I moved through first and second year, I...
Recognizing Environmental Rights
Environmental Sustainability in the Sustainable Development Goals International discussions on environmental sustainability has increased since the unanimous passing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in September. Given the SDG’s broad approach to addressing the connection between international development and the environment, countries are looking for opportunities to discuss realistic...
Ushering in the Sustainable Development Goals
How Important is Health? On September 25, the United Nations affirmed the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), a fifteen-year plan to end poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. Officially titled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and set to come into effect on 1 January 2016, the SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals (“MDGs”) that expire...
Enforcing International Climate Debt
Feasible or Impossible? During the past decade there have been significant developments in the field of international environmental law due to the factual understanding that environmental issues transcend national borders and legal systems. However, the scientific uncertainty about the long‐term effects of international environmental risks often allows nations to justify postponing compliance...
Public vs Private
The Ethics of Regulating Robot Sex The summer of 2015 has been a monumental season for robots. Just this July, a robotics company called Softbank released a humanoid robot that it claims is able to sense users’ emotions. Even more impressive, scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York developed a robot that broke new ground in demonstrating self-awareness. The robot’s...
Of Mice and Pen
For at least as long as The Paper Chase has been an element of our popular imagination, it seems there have been two dominant features of the first year law school curriculum: the case book and the Socratic method. Does this signature pedagogical approach really teach first years to “think like a lawyer?” Or is it an ineffective and antiquated form of teaching? Might it even be, as critics...
The Gates are Open
Supreme Court Rules Ecuadorean Plaintiffs Allowed to Pursue Enforcement of Judgment Against Chevron In Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation, the plaintiffs, representing about 30,000 Ecuadorean villagers, seek damages from the defendant for injuries resulting from environmental pollution. They originally filed their claim in New York federal court in 1993, believing Ecuadorian courts to be ill...
The Definitive Ranking of the Deans of Osgoode
From Arthurs to Wright, where will your favourite Osgoode dean rank? “Look to your left, look to your right…”: the classic go-to of any law dean’s welcome address to the incoming students. Historically the saying would end, “one of you won’t be here by the end of the year,” an attempt to underline the cutthroat, competitive nature of law school. That said, deans have adapted and varied the...
What It Really Comes Down To
Children’s Rights in Ghana This article was published as part of the Osgoode chapter of Canadian Lawyers for International Human Rights (CLAIHR) media series, which aims to promote an awareness of international human rights issues. To get involved, visit CLAIHR at It is no secret that the ideals law strives to achieve and what occurs in reality are often vastly different. International law, and...
The Syrian Refugee Crisis
A story of Ukrainian refugees seventy years later At the end of the summer, just before returning to classes at Osgoode Hall, I made my annual summer trip to my hometown of Winnipeg. While there, I visited my Ukrainian Baba, and came across the following two photos. On the left is a photo of my Dido in a refugee camp in 1944, alongside other Ukrainian refugees. On the right is my Baba in 1945 in...
Brad Wall Stirs the Genetically Engineered Pot Recently, the Premier of Saskatchewan, Brad Wall, came out and asked federal leaders to explain their viewpoints on genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Mr. Wall is obviously very concerned about their opinion, since Saskatchewan relies heavily on many of these crops, specifically GE canola, for their economy. As far as I know the candidates have...
Digital Marketing
Boutique Firms and Sole Practitioners There are few marketing plans that exist today without a digital strategy. Digital marketing necessities such as achieving search engine optimization (SEO) allow marketers to ensure their content is effectively reaching the targeted market – whether in the legal field or other. As such, competition is fairly stiff between legal content providers for medium...
Career Week
Preparing Tomorrow’s Lawyers Today Last December, I had lunch with a group of friends who I hadn’t seen since I started law school. So much had happened since the last time we were all together, making us eager to catch up and share what we’d been up to. Naturally, we all took turns sharing stories about our lives, but something shifted when it was my turn to speak. Faced with questions about...
Not In My Back Yard
Why hosting the Olympics would be the worst thing to ever happen to Toronto Pardon the hyperbole. The Great Fire of 1904 was certainly worse, and the decision to build the Gardiner expressway would at least be on the short list. Did you know that not only does it completely ruin the lakeshore, but they also tore down a popular amusement park to build it? If you didn’t have the pleasure of living...
Our Brave New Legal World, its Epistocrats and its Discontents
“We live in rapidly changing times,” writes Osgoode’s Associate Dean Trevor Farrow. Ethical questions are “continuously changing as a result of global trends.” The “complexity of today’s world is an issue for all lawyers.” Needless to say, globalization has been in vogue in the academy for more than a decade, not just in professional circles. So why is there so much talk and so little impact? Why...
Second Class, Second Rate
Early Thoughts on Second Class Citizenship in Canada In May 2015, Bill C-24—ironically titled the ‘Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act’—came into effect. For the first time ever, Canada imposed a tiered level of citizenship. While the government has touted the bill as a cost-effective method for fighting terrorism, legal experts around the country have suggested the main effect is the creation...
Harper and His Many Omnibus Bills
Tracking the various Omnibus Bills implemented by the Harper Government Omnibus bills: one of Harper’s favourite tools; used akin to the invisibility cloak in Harry Potter, as most of the public has no idea what changes are being made to many laws which change our daily lives. Generally, omnibus bills cover a diverse range of topics, and it is a single document accepted in a single vote by the...
Trigger Warnings
Spoiler Alert: They Aren’t News With students headed back to university campuses this September (or August, as the case for some of us may be), one of last year’s most fraught topics is returning to relevance for fall 2015: the question of whether or not university professors should be required to include trigger warnings on classroom syllabi. The debate around the pros and cons of trigger...
Impairment or Improvement?
The Four Best and Worst Ways the Strike Affected Student Caucus As a Student Caucus representative and 1L student, I found myself thrown into discussions in a context I hadn’t contemplated in my legal education: a labour dispute. In my personal political adventure on Student Caucus in the midst of crisis, I partook in Osgoode’s quest for exemption from the academic activity ban and for the holy...
Coffee Cups, Pirates, and Handguns
Sailing in the Uncharted Waters of 3D Printing In 1974, a joke written by David Jones in the New Scientist unknowingly predicted the development of an innovation that decades later would be called “the third industrial revolution.” Though his proposal imagined a laser that when shined through liquid plastic monomer caused it to solidify was intended to be tongue-in-cheek, it was only three years...
The View From Here
A Canadian-Israeli’s (Surprisingly Optimistic) Perspective on the Recent Elections and What the Future Holds for Israel Israel has a new government, and not everyone is happy—including many progressive Israelis. As a Canadian Jew by birth and an Israeli by choice, I offer a perspective shared by many here and in Israel—and it is a surprisingly optimistic one. I am always worried about...